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What is Donkey Videos?
Videos Online
C2C, B2C, P2P video service
Providing users with C2C, B2C, and P2P video on demand network services, and automatically providing users with resources from the provider/user with better network status from the user in the radar mode.
87 alliances in 28 countries
87 alliances in 28 countries
28 countries around the world have joined/unioned 87 websites/APP/players to provide users with high-quality, high-speed resource link addressing services. If you include the above Donkeys icon or tag, your account will be universal.
premium video provider
10,000+ premium video provider
With more than 10,000 quality providers around the world, we provide broadcasters with the latest, high-quality, high-speed video transmission services, enabling broadcast users to enjoy exciting video resources of different styles of content.
Global win
The Donkeys.top network will look for users who watch/download the same video, forward the video to other users based on your network quality, and users who watch/download the video will also receive 5CNY/G, 0.7USD/G cash income.

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